Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31 The Indian in the Cupboard

A tribute to my wife, this is the first piece she made for me from scratch. She brought the greenware cleaned it and fired into what is called the bisque stage then cleaned again then painted and fired again. During the second firing to set the pain they can and quite often explode but the ones that don't look brilliant they have so much life in them.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 30 having a Bad Day

My wife is sick, our youngest had her immunisations on Tuesday and teething, the twin boys had there immunisations on Wednesday and Levi is having a reaction to his and for some reason today he put a trampoline spring in his mouth and then hooked a chain on the other end I guess he wasn't expecting Shashonee to pull his chain. Nothing to serious but he is very sore at the moment sort of like the bear dressed as a frog with his head a little further away from where it should be.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29 Tha Huntsman

This is a lovely spider we call the huntsman and he does live up to his name as he hunts a lot of other spiders and eats them mmm yummy, do you wanna give him a pat? He's nice and soft and just a little fuzzy. He'll give you that tingly feeling when he walks over your foot or around the back of your neck. They travel really well in an envelope if any of you want one, I could send a baby one and then you can train him to do tricks, like scare the crap out of your friends. :D

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 28 Going Home

A typical day on a typical outback road chipped windscreens and all. We have two chips in our screen and it goes in tomorrow to have them filled as the new one that we got on the way into town is right in the drivers view. My wife always wants to turn around and chase the guy and make them pay for the windscreen but it just wouldn't work and we ave a saying here that suites this situation quite well. "Shit Happens"

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27 Cheyenne's first day at school

A very big day for Cheyenne she wanted to start last year but was born late in the year so she had to wait :( But she is there now and had a wonderful day. :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 26 The Kookaburra

Well today is Australia day so what better to shot then a Kookaburra I just wish I could have gotten a little closer to her. Yes it's a girl the males are more colourful and more trusting. :)

I thought you might like to see where I live, our land is 3oo meters across and 1200 meters front to back. This is the view out of my bedroom window but just a bit further away from the house. These shots are straight from the camera they are as untouched as the land. There is a lot of wild life out there some are nice and fluffy some are all slimy and deadly and then you have the things you can't see but most of those just hurt like hell. We have an ant here that would be almost an inch long about 2.5 cm and when they bite you will know all about it. As an Aussie I walk in thongs through this bush as comfortably as you do through the streets of your town neither of us worried if the next step will be our last. :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25 Leaning Tower of Light

This one is in honour of Whalelight and her very teknelogical back lighting system. LoL

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 24 Moo Moo Moo

This one is for cridley and her walk on the wild side shooting those letter boxes. LoL

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 23 Bondage Chicken

My wife saw a pic on the web of a chiken all tied up and thought it was funny so last easter I got a little bored and found myself with some ribbon and a chicken but as to the idea to post it I will blame this on MrNelson and his Gimp :P

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 22 Jewelled Spider

aww isn't he pretty :) and he won't even kill you only leave you with localised pain as discribed in the book. He's about 35mm or inch and a half across and those spikes are quite sharp as I found out when he tryed to exscape, not something I'll do again but they say you should try things at least once just to see if you like it. :P

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21 Smelly Stuff

It was the mother-inlaws birthday today and this is what we got for her and it came in a pretty box with some other smelly stuff and ribbons and frilly things holding it all together, very girly it was and she liked it a lot. :P

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20 Reception

Do you guys have these towers near you ? The one on the right is a house with four TV aerials just to try and get reception, some are a little neglected out in the bush :(
But not me I was a free lance satellite technician for awhile so our reception is really good :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19 Cherokee

We were having a play on the floor and I got some big smiles but the background was a bit rough so I put in a new one and I like it. What do you think?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18 Sew What

Hopefully I can fix it cause we are in the middle of sewing an art smock for school and it keeps drop stitches which is really annoying.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17 Scary Stuff

These are the things I saw today while walking around looking for a web to hang some cars for thephrog. The first two are the spider and his web which is nowhere near as Strong as a red back web it's hard to explain but when you break a red back web you can hear the strands snap. The third photo is not a snake but a legless lizard and the fourth shot is well I don't know never seen one before but it's like a cocoon and it was inside the iron bark tree about 5 or 6 inches inside a perfectly bored hole and believe me they don't call these trees iron bark for nothing they are really hard wood especially at the heart.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 16 Red Back Spider

OK back to things that can hurt you, lots. This is I think our worst spider cause being so small they are hard to see and they are everywhere. They won't kill you but can make you very sick, they have anti-venom for their bite but rarly use it, maybe if a baby had multiply bites or something. First time on the rule of thirds and I think I got it right. Not sure about the frame being stepped in though.

Day 15 bonus Shashonee

OK I'm awake now and have had some time to clean up this pic it's my first ever B/W hope you like this one I think it looks much better. :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15 Shashonee

Shashonee is two years old and a great model. She loves to have her pic taken, I caught her off guard watching TV :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 14 Butterfly

A pretty butterfly. The ones with all the colour were on the top of the tree this one was high enough. My wife found out what kind of lizard I shot the other day he is an
Eastern Water Dragon the easiest to train of all the big lizards and they make great childrens pets :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13 Fire Alarm

Well they say 13 is unlucky for some and today it turns out to be true
Sorry for my pic it didn't come out quite right :-(

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dat 12 The Dragon

OK not really a dragon but still it's a bloody big lizard about a foot and a half long and quite
heavy as you can see by the splash and if you look at the top left you'll notice the wake from the speed of his swim. His arms are thick about an inch and a half across used for climbing trees and swimming. I use to collect them when I was kid and you can tame them and they will just sit on you shoulder all day, they make great pets but this guy is too old to tame now.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11 Levi's New Toy

We got the boys a digital camera for their birthday. They have funny faces and borders and back grounds and they are really easy to use Levi had taken 400 pics in about two hours.
Sorry I haven't commented lately but for stupid reason I entered the text tourney so for the last couple of days I have been busy trying to tell a story without pics :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10 Levi and Pheonix turn four

Well the boys have turned four and we too them out to a play center for the day and then home for ice cream cakes, one each :)
It has been a busy day sleep now.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9 The Boys

Ok this is the best DOF I have taken so I hope you like it and I added a close up of the ball for those that wanted to see it and in the second one I had a play with some new software lots of fun :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8 Getting Wet

This is the kids playing at the fountains at our local pool, they have balanced a ball in the fountain. Today was a horrible day very overcast so my pic was a bit dark where they are playing cause of the shade covers and the pool was so bright I had to tweak a lot to get it to look ok'ish still not completely happy with it so I'll take another shot at the pools soon as we are there everyday with the kids having swimming lessons.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 Fluttering Feathers

This poor little magpie wandered into our pool enclosure and couldn't
find his way out again. The board he is sitting on in the first pic is 100mm or 4' so that gives you an idea on his size and they bite really hard so the best to help him out was to open the door and chase him toward the door. You can see him free up in the tree feeling rather tied with his wings hanging down and he sat there resting for a while catching his breath.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6 Short Circut

I love playing with electricity I always have even as a boy I used to weld closed the doors on my toy cars with a cut off extension cord, and theres nothing wrong with me. This is the lighty up bit out of one of those eggs that changes colour, the switch and died so I short circuited it and now it's on all the time looking pretty for the kids.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 5 Cherokee loves her shower time

This is Cherokee child number six and there is nothing she likes more then a shower with mum.
We have a lot in common lol She is almost four months old now and is proof that not all babys are born evil, no that doesn't happen until there about two. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4 Striped Rocket Frog

Striped Rocket Frog (Litoria nasuta) which I'm sure means devil frog
Well do you know how long you must wait for a subterranean frog to show his pointy little head, no well neither do I cause this guy was just sitting there looking at the menu when I went out to the pond. Can you see how he follows me around he's a sneaky little frog and scared the crap out of me well sort of I had just taken a very front on close up of him and I wanted a side shot so I slowly moved around and got nice and close and went to take the next shot but the when I looked through the view finder the last shot was still there front on and real close, made me jump back a bit. LOL You can see from the top shot that even the baby frogs are evil they have the same pointy nose looks like an armor almost removable like a helmet even the tadpoles have the same look so it starts pretty young.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 Tadpoles

This was a really hard shot cause of the reflection. The pond is about 3 foot deep and has lots of tadpoles even a rare species of cannibalistic frog, it's true. We sent some tadpoles into school one day and after a while the teacher noticed the numbers were dropping until there was only one.
Well we found a striped frog at home one day with half of another hanging out of his mouth so we took him into the department of primary industries and asked them about it and yeah they live under ground and only come out to eat and procreate. Having this little guy in a glass jar for night before he went to town was freaky cause as you walked around the room he would follow you eyes forward like a predator just waiting until you went to sleep, it got to much for my wife and I had to cover him up. :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 Fruit Face

This was tonights desert for the kids there were a few more bananas but where was I going to put those? Then I started playing with my photo tune up and added a bit from lucisart plug-in and this is what I came up with hope you like it I do. :)
Ha seven minutes to spare.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


The top puppies are shih-tzu/maltese, Maddy had her puppies on 30/12
Rose is a silky/shih-tzu and we mated her with the Foo-Foo a pure shih-tzu and the same dad to Maddys . Rose puppies born 26/12 are not much bigger then Maddys. Maddy puppies will out grow her by the time they are three months old cause she is a short ass.