Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29 Tha Huntsman

This is a lovely spider we call the huntsman and he does live up to his name as he hunts a lot of other spiders and eats them mmm yummy, do you wanna give him a pat? He's nice and soft and just a little fuzzy. He'll give you that tingly feeling when he walks over your foot or around the back of your neck. They travel really well in an envelope if any of you want one, I could send a baby one and then you can train him to do tricks, like scare the crap out of your friends. :D


  1. Oooh, er, those really are pretty large spiders! Nice and hairy and all. I have seen smaller ones around here, and tried to convince the kids (particularly my daughter) that they are not scary, but I think she picks up from my voice that I am not entirely convinced of that myself! Nice shot to demonstrate their size (and temerity)!

  2. I'm guessing he doesn't have a taste for humans! and thanks but I'll pass on the gift in the envelope

  3. I'm quite used to picking up big spiders - it doesn't really bother me as long as I can cup them in my hands so they can't get away. But to let one crawl over me - nope! I'm not ready for that! even the thought just sends shivers all over me! So who is holding the spider if you are taking the photgraph or are you multi tasking?

  4. Yeah I'm holding the spider I don't know anyone around here who would do it.

  5. Yikes! I don't think I want one. I have enough spiders around here. Black widows and all kinds of other fun ones to worry about including the brown recluse. Occasionally tarantulas...

  6. I'll have one! When you say 'pat' do you mean '*pats*', as in, with both hands really hard?

  7. Hm, very pretty spider...NOT!!!!!
    I've had so many come inside and I've had to chase them outside (where they belong) but now here I have screens so they don't invade.
    You can keep them there with you but thanks for the kind offer.

  8. Nice show of scale! That's one huge spider. Does it bite? I've held spiders but not one that big before. I probably won't be scared of it unless it crawls down my neck and in my shirt.
