Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 16 Red Back Spider

OK back to things that can hurt you, lots. This is I think our worst spider cause being so small they are hard to see and they are everywhere. They won't kill you but can make you very sick, they have anti-venom for their bite but rarly use it, maybe if a baby had multiply bites or something. First time on the rule of thirds and I think I got it right. Not sure about the frame being stepped in though.


  1. I like the works. As for the spider, keep it away from me! :P

  2. Good shot. Really interesting looking web.

  3. I too like the frame, it works well for me. Compositionally I think you've got it right but I'll leave it to those, who know more about these sorts of things, to confirm. Nice closeup. Did you kill it after the photo?

  4. Nice! I wish my attempts at spiderwebs were as successful.

  5. The redback spider web is really thick making them easier to photograph and strong you could drop a matchbox car on the web and it would hold it easily

  6. That's a cool shot and a pretty big specimen for them, cos they are usually pretty small. Quite pretty really, with their red arrow on their back.
    They are nocturnal too, so you rarely see them, and most likely see their webs which are really crazy. They don't have the typical expanding circular pattern of 'typical' spider webs and an arachnologist (yes, you do get such crazy people) once told me that their webs look like they were built by a spider on speed. No plan and crazy, crazy, crazy!
    This is a great shot of one! Well done. And I like that frame. An interesting idea for it as it focuses the attention onto the spider without removing its surroundings.

  7. Your rule of thirds in this composition is spot on, and the frame works for me, it looks good.
    While I don't like spiders, this is a darn good effort at photographing one.

  8. EKKKKK i hate BUGS!!! Nice shot though!!! I like it... it gave me the willies hehe

  9. Great composition. Love the frame too.

  10. Nice clear shot of spider and web. I do like this type of frame they enclose but don't overpower.
    I can't remember how to do them though.
