Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25 Leaning Tower of Light

This one is in honour of Whalelight and her very teknelogical back lighting system. LoL


  1. Love the lean, love the colours, love the lighting, but I just wish it was a little sharper...

  2. Pretty cool tribute, but you got to quit driving while you're taking your picture! Seriously, just a bit blurry but you got all that other "technical" stuff down pat!

  3. What it's blurry and needs to be sharper I thoght that was a resut of useing the monitor for the light, aww man now I'll have to do it again.

  4. What a nice tribute and what a great idea. Very pretty colours.

  5. Wow, I feel so honoured! Thanks, icebunny! Your shot looks way cooler than mine. The colors remind me of those heat x-ray photos. I only used the monitor once for my blue abstract shot and it made me dizzy because the monitor kept blinking when I viewed it from the camera screen. About the blurriness, I also think the monitor is to blame since it doesn't give off as much strong light as a 25watt bulb does. You'll get the hang of my ultra complicated set up in no time :)
