Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18 Sew What

Hopefully I can fix it cause we are in the middle of sewing an art smock for school and it keeps drop stitches which is really annoying.


  1. It's the start of the day for me so I'm beginning to think about what to shoot for S. Sewing machine is one of my ideas. Whether it makes the grade - only time will tell. Hopefully you will be successful at fixing you machine.

  2. Hope you get it fixed. This is a nice closeup detail shot, bt I think it would have done well to have the composition shifted a bit to the right. That would have omitted the grey section that adds nothing to the shot, and included the distant button that just creeps into the frame so nicely out of focus. You would have had another DOF shot before you knew it!

  3. You sew and are mechanical???? A man of many talents!

  4. This could work quite well as a straight on shot I think, with the dial in an off center position and lots of space around it.

  5. Cool angle - it made me think "what is it"? Good luck with the project. Sounds like fun!
